Citadel Lunch and Learns

Below is a full list of all of our Citadel Lunch and Learn presentations. Simply select the one you like and fill out the for today.

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Citadel Presents

Metal Composite Material

Join Citadel's Lunch and Learn presentation for a comprehensive understanding of metal composite material (MCM). Discover the fundamentals of this versatile material and its applications, along with in-depth exploration of advanced topics such as installation, code compliance, and LEED considerations. Engage in a dynamic Q&A session following the program to address any queries you may have.

Lunch & Learn Features

AIA Credited

Earn valuable AIA credit while expanding your knowledge and staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

Lunch Provided

Enjoy a delicious complimentary lunch during your personalized AIA accredited Lunch and Learn.

Meet In Person

Connect with ASI's experts in a welcoming and collaborative in-person environment. 

Meet Virtually

Join from anywhere and experience an engaging and interactive virtual Lunch and Learn.